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Northern Star Roundtable

Northern Star Roundtable
1720 Broadway St
Pearland, TX 77581, US
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Northern Star Roundtable

Find out what's happening in the Scouting community. Gain knowledge and have more fun than the average leader.

TIME: 7 p.m.

DATE: Thursday, April 13, 2023 @ 7:00 PM

LOCATION: (Face-to Face) Fellowship Bible Church, 1720 Broadway St., Pearland, TX 77581

Teams : Join  Microsoft Teams meeting   - If you can't make the Face-to-Face.

Meeting Link


Roundtable Agenda 

Special Presentation – Visual Impairment -  Eric Ritchey

Hot Topic -   Service And Gratitude

Safety Moment - When to Cancel an Event Due to Weather

Membership Moment – Community Visibility

Cub Scout Breakout  - What Makes a Den

Scouts BSA Breakout – Engaging Troop Meetings

For more information contact Roundtable Commissioner Joe Rowden at

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