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Bay Area CouncilOrder of the Arrow

Order of the Arrow

Order of the Arrow

Wihinipa Hinsa Lodge #113

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. The basic unit of the OA is the lodge, which is chartered to a local BSA council. There are more than 300 lodges in the BSA.

The OA uses Native American style traditions and ceremonies to bestow recognition on Scouts selected by their peers as those that best exemplify the ideals of Scouting. Arrowmen, as they are called, wear a sash over their right shoulder to signify membership in the Order of the Arrow.

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Supreme Chief of the Fire, Charlie Tinsley

Staff Advisor, Charlie Tinsley

Lodge Advisor, John Stone

Lodge Chief, Oscar Gonzalez Jr

Lodge First Vice Chief, Amelia Lusk

Lodge Second Vice Chief, Daniel Akinwunmi 

Lodge Treasurer, David Munguia

Lodge Secretary, Evelynn Smith



Coastal District - Do Pah Ke Sto Wa-we-ski Chapter
Chapter Chief - Cooper Goins
Chapter Adviser -  Eric Goins
Associate Advisor - Jimmy Geesing
Meetings - 7-8:30 p.m., 1st Thursday
First United Methodist Church, 200 FM 517 Rd W, Dickinson, TX 77539

Cradle of Texas District - Tendeuchen Langoma Chapter
Chapter Chief - Thomas Paniagua

Chapter Adviser - Oscar Gonzalez
Meetings - Camp Karankawa, 3249 FM 1459 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480

Northern Star District - Woapossum Chapter
Chapter Chief - 
Chapter Adviser - TBD
Meetings - 7:30-8:30 p.m., 2nd Thursday
Fellowship Bible Church, 1720 E Broadway St, Pearland

Thunderbird District - Mehokquiman Chapter
Chapter Chief - Chloe Nieten
Chapter Adviser - Tosin Akinwunmi
Chapter Secretary - Christian Mendez
Meetings - 7:30-8:30 p.m., 2nd Thursday
Location: TBD



The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold:

  1. To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives
  2. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit
  3. To promote Scout camping
  4. To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others

To become a member, a youth must be a registered member of a Boy Scout troop or Varsity Scout team and hold First Class rank. The youth must have experienced 15 days and nights of camping during the two years before his election. The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps. Scouts are elected to the Order by their fellow troop or Varsity team members, following approval by the Scoutmaster or Varsity Scout Coach.

Unit Election Form / Unit Ballot Form

Membership is good for one full year from January 1 to December 31 and is $12.

The Ordeal induction ceremony is often conducted at Scout camp and is the first step toward full membership. During the experience, candidates maintain complete silence, receive small amounts of food, work on camp improvement projects, and are required to sleep alone, apart from other campers, which teaches significant values.

If you have been selected as a new Arrowmen, make sure you visit the National Order of the Arrow
Jumpstart site. It will help you to understand more about the OA.

After 10 months of service and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the Order.  Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the OA.

After two years of service as a Brotherhood member and with the approval of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, a Scout or Scouter may be recognized with the Vigil Honor for outstanding service to Scouting, his lodge, and the community. This honor is bestowed by special selection and is limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year.



The ceremonies in the Order of the Arrow play an important and meaningful part in bringing new members up to speed on our order, giving Brotherhood candidates greater insight into our purpose and honoring those chosen for the Vigil Honor. No matter which level of membership the ceremony is for, a well rehearsed and carried out ceremony makes all of the difference to those the ceremony is meant for.

  • Callout Ceremony Script (download)
  • Pre-Ordeal Ceremony Script (Password is the Admonition) (download)
  • Ordeal Ceremony Script (Password is the Admonition) download
  • Brotherhood Ceremony Script (Password is the answer to Have you seen the Arrow?) download
  • Vigil Honor Ceremony Script (Password is the Vigil Watchwords) download
  • Ceremonial Handbook (Password is the Admonition) download
  • Spirit of the Arrow Booklets (Password is the Admonition) download
  • Lenape Dictionary download
  • Lodge Orientation Guide (Password is the Admonition) download
  • Guide to Inductions Part 1 (Password is the Admonition) download
  • Guide to Inductions Part 2 (Password is the answer to Have you seen the Arrow?) download




Our Lodge was founded in 1938 and is affiliated with Bay Area Council #574. The English translation of Wihinipa Hinsa is a phrase derived from the language of the Dakota Nation.  It means "Bay Sunrise" which appropriately symbolizes the dawning of a new day,  brighter opportunities, a higher vision, and the cheerful spirit forever burning in the hearts and wills of true arrowman.

Our Lodge totem is the Sun Rising from the purifying water of the bay.

In 1955, Camp Karankawa was opened, offering a well-located camp consisting of 450 acres of heavily forested land, ideally suited to the needs of Scouting.

The next few years saw the physical development of the camp's facilities. In 1955, it was decided to build an Ordeal Ring to meet the requirements of the Order's ceremonies. A site was selected on the banks of the San Bernard River. It was reached by following a trail from the chapel area, winding along the banks of the San Bernard, crossing a temporary bridge and finally climbing a hill to enter the ceremonial area.

The altar was constructed of stones and a plaque was laid. This ceremonial area served the Lodge for the next 40 years. The temporary bridge ultimately required relocation. Over the years the Brazos River underwent several floods. Each flood required extensive work in removing sand and debris from the Ordeal Ring. The site was lost completely for about a three year period in the mid 1980's, after a very severe flood of the San Bernard River. In the late 1980's it was decided that something needed to be done about the temporary bridge. Each flood had continued to erode the banks to a point of becoming hazardous.

A plan was put forth by the Lodge to construct a new suspension bridge. Different ideas were discussed in raising the necessary capital to complete the project. One of which was to sell each of the planks on the bridge and have the names of the donor inscribed on them. Finally the Council Executive Board was approached and money was set aside for its construction. Work  began on the new bridge, but a problem immediately arose, it was impossible to get the needed heavy equipment to the site to complete the project.

These efforts were finally abandoned. It became increasingly necessary to make a decision on the future of the ring. In late 1994, a site was chosen for construction of a new Ceremonial Ring. Ideas were discussed and a decision was made to move forward with its construction. Through the efforts of several people, and donations of materials, the need for raising capital became unnecessary. During the summer of 1995 several work days were held, and the new ring was constructed. It was made of cement planks that had been donated to the Lodge. These planks were then covered with native stone. Finally the plaque from the old altar was moved to the new site and installed. During the construction phase of the new altar, the permanent smug pots, which had been installed years ago at the old altar were moved and relocated.

During the Fall Fellowship in September of 1995, dedication ceremonies were held at the new Ordeal Ceremonial Ring. All ex-Lodge Chiefs and Advisors were invited to attend.



Would you like to honor an Arrowmen for their outstanding service to the lodge? Award nomination forms can be found here.

OA Triple Crown Award

The OA Triple Crown has always recognized outstanding outdoorsmen who take the initiative to attend not one, but three high adventure bases through the Order of the Arrow’s programs. Members seeking to achieve the new OA Triple Crown Award can complete any three of the five OAHA programs as long as they do so at three separate bases. These Arrowmen are also expected to give a presentation about their experiences at a lodge or section event encouraging others to participate. Afterwards, they should submit an OA Triple Crown Application which will be made available later this year. After verifying attendance, the Arrowmen will receive a patch set and a certificate signed by the national officers recognizing this accomplishment. The patch set will consist of a universal center patch surrounded by three "rockers" to signify the three programs completed. For more information, please click here.

Founder's Award

The Founder's Award was created by the National Order of the Arrow to honor and recognize Lodge Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates to fellow Arrowmen that he or she memorializes in his or her everyday life the spirit achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman. The award is a handsome bronze medallion bearing the likeness of E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson, with wooden base and brass plate suitable for engraving. The award is suitable for display at home, or the office. Also available is the Founder's Award arrow ribbon, similar to the universal arrow ribbon, except that it has a gold colored arrow suspended from the red ribbon. Lodges may petition the National Order of the Arrow Committee to present up to two awards annually, based on Lodge membership. If the Lodge presents more than one award, one must be to a youth under the age of 21.

2017 - Youth - Trevor Smith, Adult - Hank Howard
2018 - Youth - Alan Jones, Adult - Roger Hernandez
2019 - 
2020 -
Youth, Christian Dadd, Adult - Jeffery Dadd

Chief's Award

The Chief's Award was created to recognize Arrowmen throughout the year for their hard work and service to the Lodge through their dedication to a specific task. At the close of each year, the Chief may select individuals whose work extended above and beyond the call of duty, and who truly live up to the high ideals set for all members of the Order. The main recipients as chosen at the end of the year are awarded a plaque to recognize both their outstanding service and their accomplishments. Because the award is independently selected, awarded, and funded by the chief, he may present as many as he feels appropriate, within reason. No Arrowmen may receive the award more than once from the same Chief, and no awards need to be presented should the Chief not see fit to do so.

2017 - Youth - Caleb Kelley, Adult - Van Keeping
2018 - Youth - Alan Jones, Adult - Anthony Lusk
2019 - Youth - Caleb Quarto, Adult - Roger Hernandez
2020 - Youth - Kevin Keeping, Adult - Joel 

Cliff Alexander Chapter Service Award

2017 - The Woapossum Chapter
2018 - N/A
2019 - N/A
2020 - N/A

Charles Chipman Service Award

2017 - N/A
2018 - Youth - Caleb Quarto, Adult - Rick Wahlquist
2019 - N/A
2020 - Youth, Caleb Quarto, Adult, Anthony Lusk



National Order of the Arrow

Southern Region Order of the Arrow

Southern Region Facebook

Southern Region Twitter

JumpStart for New Arrowmen

OA High Adventure

OA Trading Post

Lodge Leadership Development


OA LodgeMaster

OA Digital Archive

OA History

National OA Endowment

National Boy Scouts of America web site

Order of the Arrow Section on the National BSA web site

Click here to pay your:

Order of the Arrow dues

OA Election season will run from June 1st until November 10th (for all units.) 
For more information, contact
Lodge Advisor 
John Stone.


Congratulations to our Lodge Leaders!

Upcoming Events

 Annual Package 2025

 Banquet & LLD 2024

 Callout Ceremonies

Fall Fellowship 2024

 Section Conclave (Lonestar Fellowship) 2025

 NOAC 2024

 Spring Ordeal 2024

Spring Shoot 2025

Spring Fellowship 2025

 Work Days 2024

Winter Fellowship 2024

Winter Ordeal 2025


Vigil Members

After two years of service as a Brotherhood member and with the approval of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, a Scout may be recognized with the Vigil Honor for outstanding service to Scouting, his lodge, and the community. This honor is bestowed by special selection and is limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year.


Achord Jr., Richard, Big Quiet One, 1989
Alexander, Cliff, One Who Creates With Wood, 1967

Alexander, Terry, Little One1968
Amster, Howard, Merchant1957
Anderson, Orville, Happy Leader Who Creates W/His Mind, 1994
Anderson, Timothy, Steady One, 1984
Ashbrook, Jerry W., Mouse, 1967
Aucion, Walter, Bald Headed Noisy One, 1968
Averill, Gerald, Reliable Worker, 1979
Badders, Eddie, Rock, 1973

Badders, Tommy, Big Rock, 1973
Bang, Bill, Valuable One, 1988
Bang, David, Good Natured Big Bear, 1987
Barajas, Jake, Water Traveling Hunter, 2005
Barhan, Eric, One Who Does Good Work, 2000
Barker, Dave (Clarence), Determined Teacher, 2013
Barlow, John E., One Who Instructs, 1970

Barnard, Mike, Sad Warrior, 1958
Bashaw, Robin, Fighter, 1976
Bennett, David R., Adventurous Worker, 1983
Bennett, Sr. Don, Cold Warrior, 1979
Berry, David, Swimmer, 1967
Berry, Don, Fast Talker, 1968
Bishop Chris, One Who Exerts Himself in Leadership, 2004
Bishop, Margaret, Cheerful Greeter, 2005
Bishop, Trent, Skilled Runner, 1986
Blankenship, Bradley, Happy Actor, 1997
Blanton, Don, Reliable One, 1966
Bolfing, Chris, Dancer with Bad Knee, 1998
Boriskie, Mike, Beaver Who Serves Cheerfully, 1992
Boswell, Barry, Leader, 1966
Bost, Conner, 2006
Bost, Jay, Mighty Builder, 2006
Boyer, Cody
Boyer, Roger, Smoking Otter, 2004
Boyer, Trey, Mighty Cook, 2006
Bradford Jr., James, Happy One Who Trades, 1996
Brandt, Edward N., lll, One Who Dances to a Different Drum, 1980
Braud, Victor, Blue Racer, 1960
Brooke, James, Lively One, 1967
Brooke, Maxie, Skilled One, 1967
Brown, Ronald C., Overseer, 1967
Browning, Chance, Dancing Peacemaker, 2001
Buchanan, Sean, He Who Has Good Spirits-Travels Alone, 1992
Buckner, David, Good Natured Pretty Swimmer, 1983
Buckner, Michael, Friendly Water Buffalo, 1986
Burris, Richard, Dreamer, 1967
Carrette, Jeremy
Carson, Danny, Cheerful Eagle, 2002
Castille Jr, Merrick, One Who Tells An Amusing Story, 1993
Chamberlain, Bill, Quiet One, 1973
Chamberlain, Clark, Fiery-Tongued Servant of the Lord, 1982
Chamberlain, W. C., Fire Maker, 1975
Chipman Sr., Charles, Spear Walker, 1979
Christenson, Alma, Mighty Hunter, 2006
Christian, James R., Agreeable One, 1970
Christian, Virgil L., Lifesaver, 1970
Clarke III, William D., Raccoon Who Likes To Talk, 1993
Clarke, Bill, Woodcarver Who Instructs, 1992
Clements, Charles, Big Dancer Who Carries A Load, 1988
Clements, David, Dancer Who Crows Aloud, 1988
Cobble, Larry P., He Who Rests, 1972
Collins, James, Red Corn Father, 1954
Collins, Richard, Yellow Corn Father, 1954
Conn, Charles, Good Man Who Builds With Tools, 1996
Conn, Jeremy, Sweet pea, 1998
Cornett, Clarence, Big Trader, 1973
Cornett, Gray, Determined One, 1974

Cousin, Rodney, Music Maker, 1997
Cullen Jr., James, Torch Carrier, 1978
Cutshall, Jim, 1961
Cutshall, Joe S., Wild Wolf, 1962
Cutshall, S.C., Gentle Chief, 1962
Dadd, Christian, Cheerful and Diligent Companion, 2021

Dawson Jr., Vernon E., One Who Has Knowledge, 1976
Deckard, Michael, Slow Talking Turtle, 2009 

Deslatte, Dwayne, Determined Young Brother, 1985
Dick, Scott E., Flying Squirrel Who Makes Others Happy, 1983
Doane Guy, Big Trader, 1986
Dunigan, Carol, Small One With A Big Heart, 2005
Ernest, James, Night Traveler, 1968
Erwin, Jim, Silent One Who Serves, 1988
Esch, Steven, Humble Guard Who Gives, 1990
Faires, Archie, Fast Dancer, 1975
Fehrle, Lance, Stranger Chief, 1984
Fehrle, Leonard, Beaver Who Does Good Work, 1984
Ford, David, Shepherd, 1970
Freas, Alexander
Freas, Rob, Seafaring Eagle, 2004
Fridye, Mark J., Night Traveler, 1980
Garrison, John, Always He Is Able, 1986
Gates, Paul, Easy One, 1966
Geesing, James M., Builder of Road, 1995
Graschel, Stephen, Silent Guide, 1997
Griffin, Michael, Cutter of Wood Builder, 1984
Gumm, Wilson, Persuasive Talker, 1990
Hall, Daniel, 2002
Hall, Jim, Traveling Elder Brother, 1971
Hall, William R., One Who Encourages, 1974
Hammond, Dale, Accomplished One, 1967
Hammond, Dale, Hard Worker, 1966
Harris Jr., Ben T., Leader, 1974
Harris, Jason, Noisy One Who Swims, 1993
Harris, John, Excited Fisherman, 1993
Harris, Trevor, Young Medicine Man Who Is Willing, 2004
Harris, Tristan, Cheerful Leader, 2005
Harstad, Dale, Always Well Prepared For Service, 1992
Heard, Donald, Drum Beater Writer, 1984
Heins, George, Toiler, 1969
Helfenbein, Jerry, Beaver, 1976
Hokanson, Dona, Guide of Clear Waters, 2021

Howard, Ray, Merchant Son, 1970
Huber, Joe W., Old Warrior, 1958
Huepers, Hunter, Cheerful Quiet Wind, 2005
Huepers, Rick, Helpful Flying V, 2005
Isbell, Cecil, One Who is a Father, 1970
Jacklitsch, Edmund J., Happy Cook, 1997
Jacklitsch, Eric, Quiet Teacher To Many, 1996
Johns III, George, Happy Big Rock, 1990
Johnson, Steve, Well Behaved, 1970
Johnson, Todd, Tall Helpful One Who Fishes w/Hook & Line, 1994
Jones, Alan, Friend Who Laughs, 2021

Keeping, Kevin, Merry One, Little One, 2021
Kees, Roger A., Reliable One, 1970

Kees, Roger L., Happy Helpful One, 1971
Killingworth, Pascal Lee, Bear with a Strong Heart, 1998
Kloss, Harror K., Skillful One, 1972
Klyng, Jr, Donald, Jester Who Cooks, 1995
Klyng, Sr, Donald, Honorable Bearded Buffalo, 1988
Knapp, M.O., Great Eagle Man, 1954
Knott, Jonathan, Skillful Horseman, 1989
Kocian, John, Dancer Bear Who Fishes, 1995
Kocian, Steven, Lively Eagle Who Dances, 1994
Kunkel, Joe, Poppa Owl, 1983
Laine, Emil, Gentle Hand, 1962
Landtroop, Lanny, Straight Pine, 1958
Laughin, Charles, Younger Brother, 1968
Laughin, John E., Red Chief, 1964
Lawrence, Daryl, Knowledgeable Hiker Who Assists, 1989
Lawrence, David, The Great Merchant, 1989
Leath, Jay, Old Wolf, 1958

Lee, Edgar A., Thunderbird Guide, 2001
Lee, Edgar P., Valuable One of Service, 2004
Lockwood, Merritt, 2000
Loggins III, Reuben B., Good Natured One, 1972
Luna, Bruce, Talker, 1964
Luna James, Overseer, 1964
Lusk, Anthony, Leader Who Encourages, 2021

Lynch, Matt, Fearless One Rides Horse, 1997
MacGregor, J.D., Tall One, 1970
MacGregor, Mark G., Doctor, 1978
Mackey, Thomas, One Who Carries A Load, 1971
Maddox, Roland, One Who Knows How, 1971
Marks, Duane, Arrow, Skillful One, 2021
Marshall, Mac, Diligent Water Guide, 1989

Mats, John, Old Mountain, 1958
Mats, John Charles, Buckskin, 1958
McFarland, Kenneth, Long Legs, 1958
McKinney, Franklin, Curly Scalp, 1956
Menn, James, Reliable Singer, 1990
Meyers, Leonrad, Shadow Helper, 2013
Miller, Allen Lee, 1956
Miller, Laurence M., Buffalo Knife Maker, 1986
Moeller, Gene, Quiet Spirit, 1992
Moeller, John, Mouse Who Tells a Straight Story, 1993
Moeller, Richard A., Diligent Carpenter, 1991
Moeller, Sandra, Woman Who Sews Great Things, 1994
Moore, James Wilber, Young Raven, 1960
Morgan, Raymond, Firm One Who Cares, 1987
Mott Jr., Leroy B., Valiant Eagle, 1977
Mullis, Ryan, Whistling Wind, 2005
Murry, Eric, He Who Gives First Aid, 1984
Nau, Kenneth R., Lover of Stars, 1980
Neuner, Jerry A., Lone Chief, 1975
Nieten, Matt, Sailor, Merchant, 2021

Nicol, Carl O., Bear, 1976
Norman, Jack, Camper Advisor, 1983
Olachia, Ray, 2012

Oneal, Glenn, Listener, 1968
Osborn, Charles M., Wise Raven, 1962
Otte, Bill, Honorable Otter Who Enlightens, 1987
Otte, Trey, Honest One, 1986
Pair, Marvin, Dancer Who Delivers, 1987
Parham, Mike, Loving One, 1972
Patlan, Aaron, Singing Fox, 2004
Perthuis, Ellis, A Builder Who Enlightens, 1995
Perthuis, Scott, Impatient One Who Travels, 1996
Porter, Steven L., Drum Beater, 1970
Pratt, Thaddeus, One Who Cooks, 1991
Pressler, Clarence, One Who Enlightens, 1980
Pressler, David C., Willing Worker, 1976
Price, Joey, Smiling Chipmunk, 1988
Price, Sandy, Business Manager, 2000
Pruitt, Buster E., Preacher, 1964
Rabikow, Carl M., Rabbit, 1964
Rapstein, Kirby, Eagle Path, 1985
Reeves, Tony, One Who Cares, 1991
Rice, Roly, Young Wildcat, 1958
Richards, Kirk, Sea Horse, 1988
Richardson, Mark G., He Who Rides a Swift Horse, 2000
Richnow, Douglas W., Treasurer, 1964
Rodriguez, Michael D., One Who Climbs Great Mountains, 1997
Rogillio, Michael, Reliable Hunter, 1995
Rosen, Judy, Mother Remind Each to be Joyful, 1998
Rosen, Levi, Who Guides Under the Stars, 1999
Rosen, Nate, One Who Hunts Without A Gun, 1996
Rouse, Fred, 1961
Rushing, Bryson, Giddy One, 2006
Rushing, Bendel, Cheerful Warrior, 2004
Scheppan, David, He Who Has Endurance, 1974
Schoening, Dennis, Reliable One, 1991
Schoening, Dion, Travel About With Cheerful Heart, 1989
Scrap, Gordon, He Who Serves, 1966
Seely, Jeff, Knowledgeable Adviser, 2005
Senter, Vincent, Alone Chipmunk Who Delights, 1984
Sheppard, James J., Deep Thinker, 1967
Skarke, Steven J., Still Water, 1978
Smith, Bill W., Helpful Leader, 1997
Smith, Gyle P., Tired One, 1967
Smith, Shelby, Who Behaves Wonderfully as Guide, 1995
Snell, Tyler Drew, Diligent One, Mouse, 2021

Snider, Tom, Quiet Friend Who Serves, 1995
Sparks, Russell, Sleepy Buffalo, 1979
Steinback, S. M. B., Wild Wolf, 1960
Stephens, Cristopher, Active One, 2003
Stevenson, Ernest, Happy Dancer, 1972
Stevenson, Richard, Red Badger, 1977
Stone, John, Rolling Stone, 1998
Swift, Charles, Wild Tongue, 1958
Talasek, Jeff, Busy One, 1991
Talasek, Richard, Delightful Beaver, 1991
Tarpley, Joe Mac, Lone Eagle, 1958
Tassin, Russell, Carefree One, 2000
Taylor, James, Determined Spirit Who Lends A Hand, 1994
Temple, Griff, Quiet Water, 1960
Thompson, Artis L., Talker, 1972
Tindel, Jerry Ray, Green Tree, 1958
Tinsley, Charlie, One Who Carries a Load, 2021

Torres, Alejandro, Servant Who Counsels, 2004
Torres, Charley, Crying Eagle, 2003
Townsend, Chase, Buffalo Who Sings, 2000
Townsend, Steve, Man of Great Sounds, 1997
Trainer, Norman, Bald Headed Guide, 2003
Trimarchi, Anthony, Friend to Lend a Hand, 2000
Vanness, Sammy, 1961
Vawters, Michael, Torch Bearer Who Serves, 1987
Vawters, Timmy, Wasp Who Penetrates The Heart, 1983
Venzke, Elmer, Giving Warrior, 1989
Venzke, John Edwards, Leader Who Look Beyond, 1990
Vogler II, William, Dedicated and Consistent One, 1997
Wainscott, Bob, Lively Dancer, 1986
Wainscott, Shawn, Tall Obedient One, 1990
Ware, Bobbie, Cheerful Merchant Woman, 1994
Ware, Michael, Carefree One Who Aids, 1993
Ware, William, One Who Moves Mountains, 1996
Watkin, Larry, Diligent One, 1968
Watzke, Tony, Chief Collector, 1969
Waugh Jr., Malcolm L., The War Whoop, 1978
Waugh, Lloyd, Dancing Eagle, 1978
Wellman, David, Witty One Who Serves, 1992
White, Don, I am Willing, 1986
White, Jonathan, Steady Fox, 1987
Wiggins, Thomas, Straight Arrow, 1982
Williams, Donald, Rugged Chief, 1956
Williams, Gary, Wild Goose, 1968
Wilson, Andy, Captain of Boat Who Lend a Hand, 1998
Wood, Norman, To Lift Up The Hand In Brotherhood, 1987
Wood, Richard, Mountain Puppy, 1986
Zelade, Richard, Proud Dancer, 1971


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