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Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts

The Bay Area Council would like to welcome new families to the educational and exciting adventure of Scouting where children and teens spend their time outdoors, camping, swimming, hiking, learning life-saving skills, citizenship, community, conservation and much, much more! Watch for fliers that your child brings home from school with info on who, what, when and how to join.

Cub Scouts (Packs): K–5th grade or 5-10 years old, boys & girls


Tools to Help Onboard New Den Leaders

There are two resources available to get those who just agreed to be a den leader off to a great start. The first is a video that walks den leaders through how to get started using the tools available to them. The second is a digital brochure titled “Welcome New Den Leader.” These brochures are specific to a Cub Scout rank and give new Den Leaders step-by-step instructions on how to get started.   

Den Leader Video 

New Cub Scout Leader

New Lion Den Leader

New Tiger Den Leader

New Wolf Den Leader

New Bear Den Leader

New Webelos Den Leader

New Arrow of Light Den Leader

Den Leader Tips & Tricks

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