IOLS Training
Not required for Cub Scout leaders.
Working as patrols, this hands-on IOLS course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank. Along with Scoutmaster Specifics this course is required of all direct contact leaders registered in Scouts BSA troops in order to be considered "trained."
TIME: 8 a.m.- 12 p.m.
DATE: April 27-28, 2024 (You must attend BOTH days.)
PLACE: Camp Karankawa, 3249 FM 1459 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480
COST: $30
PLEASE NOTE: Training courses are open to anyone regardless of your Council or District, so sign up today.
Boy Scout/Webelos Handbook
tent & sleeping gear
camp chair
eating utensils
compass & pocket knife (If you have one)
paper & pen
uniform and rain gear (depending on the weather).
CONTACT: Andy Tirpak at
REGISTER BY: April 24, 2024