Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow 2024
This year’s POW WOW has something for every Cub Scout leader, new and seasoned leaders, and parents including:
•Assistant Cubmasters
•Den Leaders
•Assistant Den Leaders
•Lion Parents
•Cub Scout Parents
•Pack Committee Chairs & Members
•Event/Activity Chairpersons
•Chartered Organization Representatives
•Anyone interested in improving their Cub Scout Program!
Discuss topics relevant to every position, enhance leadership skills, and add more fun to your Cub Scout Program.
Pow Wow is an all-day training event intended for adults, only. If necessary, please make personal arrangements for off-site child care. No accommodations will be provided for children.
TIME: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., with a meal break from noon until 1 p.m.
DATE: June 15, 2024
LOCATION: West Pearland Library, 11801 Shadow Creek Pkwy
PLEASE BRING: Water bottle, lunch, notepad & pen
CONTACT: Diana Golemo at diana.golemo@gmail.com