OA Spring Ordeal 2024
The Wihinipa Hinsa Lodge #113 holds a Spring Ordeal at Camp Karankawa every May. The induction ceremony into the Order of the Arrow, called the Ordeal, is the first step toward full membership. During the experience, candidates maintain complete silence, receive small amounts of food, work on camp improvement projects, and are required to sleep alone the first night, apart from other campers, which teaches significant values. The Ordeal will challenge you, help you discover more about yourself, and strengthen you as a Scout. A Call-Out ceremony will be performed prior to Ordeal for those Scouts that require one. You are only candidates at this point. You must complete the Ordeal weekend to become official members of the Order of the Arrow.
DATE: May 17-19, 2024
PLACE: Camp Karankawa, 3249 FM 1459 Rd, Sweeny, TX 77480
TIME: Check-in Friday from 6-8 p.m., Check-out Sunday from 10:30 a.m.-11 a.m. (depending on when cleanup is done).
CONTACT: Anthony Lusk at luskanthony@gmail.com
COST: The registration fee for Ordeal Candidates includes: OA sash, Lodge flap, OA Handbook, all food for the weekend, and dues for 2024:
$60 Ordeal Candidates
$35 Brotherhood Candidates
$20 Brotherhood Candidates with Annual Pass
$20 Youth/Adult Staff
$10 Elangomats
Complimentary, OA Youth/Adult Staff and Elangomats with Annual Pass (Choose OA Annual Package OPTION when registering)
REGISTER BY: May 7, 2024
__ Official BSA Health Form (Part A and B)
__Field Uniform (Full Class A - Shirt, Shorts or pants, Socks)
__Sleeping bag
__Ground cloth or tarp (waterproof)
__Canteen or water bottle
__Insect repellent
__Work clothes
__Work gloves
__Work boots
__Pack or bag
__Hat or cap
__Sunscreen lotion
__Swimsuit (in case of projects at the waterfront)
__Rain gear (if needed)
__Light jacket or sweatshirt (if needed)
__Zip-lock bags (to keep socks and underwear dry)
__Towel and washcloth
__Tent For Saturday night
__Money for OA Trading Post
Please arrive in camp with your work clothes on.

Save the Date 2025
May 16-18, 2025